
Gompers Preparatory Academy is a 6th-12th Grade charter school offering all students:
- A WASC (Western Association of Schools & Colleges) accredited college preparatory curriculum designed to prepare students with the necessary academic and social skills for college and beyond
- A wide variety of electives: Musical Production for Grades 9-12 (Dance and Choir), Computers, Digital Animation, Associated Student Body (ASB), and Foreign Language
- UCSD college tutors and mentors supporting students in a variety of academic settings
- Dedicated teachers and staff working towards accelerated academic achievement for all students
- Campus Life Experience for students in Encore
- REACH (Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, Citizenship and Hard Work) values taught to build character education
- A college-prep uniform
Enrollment Process
First-Time Interested Students
Nuevos Estudiantes Interesados
The 2025-2026 Priority Enrollment Period for first-time applicants is scheduled to take place from October 21, 2024 – November 21, 2024. Any student in 6th-12th grade interested in attending Gompers Preparatory Academy for the 2025-2026 school year must submit an application. After the Priority Enrollment Period has ended, a waitlist will be enacted if the enrollment for the desired grade level has been reached.
Las inscripciones de prioridad del año 2025–2026 para aplicaciones de nuevos estudiantes se llevarán a cabo del 21 de octubre de 2024 al 21 de noviembre de 2024. Estudiantes interesados en asistir a Gompers Preparatory Academy en grados 6-12 para el año 2025 – 2026 tendrán que entregar una aplicación. Después que las inscripciones de prioridad se hayan cerrado, una lista de espera será establecida si el número de inscripciones deseadas para el nivel se ha logrado.
New Students
Nuevos Estudiantes
Opportunity to Enroll notices will be sent March 2025. If your contact information changes at any given time please contact the Welcome Center at (619) 263-2171 or email us at enrollment@gomperscharter.org.
Las notificaciones de oportunidad para inscripciones serán enviadas en marzo 2025. Si su información de contacto cambia en cualquier momento por favor de comunicarse con la Oficina de Bienvenida al (619) 263-2171 o por correo electrónico enrollment@gomperscharter.org.
Returning Students
Estudiantes Que Regresan
All students currently enrolled at Gompers Preparatory Academy will be given an opportunity to re-enroll for the next academic school year. Emails with re-enrollment information will be shared with parents in May 2025.
Todos los estudiantes que regresan a Gompers Preparatory Academy tendrán la oportunidad de re-inscribirse para el siguiente año escolar académico. Correos electrónicos con información para re-inscripción serán enviados a los padres en mayo del 2025.
Education Code Section 47605(d)(4)(D)
GPA shall not discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in the charter school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil. GPA shall not request a pupil’s records or require a parent, guardian, or pupil to submit the pupil’s records to the charter school before enrollment. GPA shall not encourage a pupil currently attending the charter school to disenroll from the charter school or transfer to another school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil. This subparagraph shall not apply to actions taken by a charter school pursuant to the procedures described in subparagraph (J) of paragraph (5) of subdivision (c). GPA shall provide a parent or guardian, or a pupil if the pupil is 18 years of age or older, a copy of this notice at all of the following times: When a parent, guardian, or pupil inquires about enrollment, before conducting an enrollment lottery and before disenrollment of a pupil. A person who suspects that GPA has violated this paragraph may file a complaint with the chartering authority.