Public Notice: SDCOE Applies for ASSETs Funding

The San Diego County Office of Education notifies the community of its intent to apply for funding under the 21st Century After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens program (ASSETs). The purpose of the funding is to create incentives for establishing locally driven after-school enrichment programs for high school students in the hours after the regular school day, and support college and career readiness. SDCOE’s application represents a consortium of 17 county high schools which meet the funding eligibility requirements.

If awarded funding, the County Office will disseminate information about the 21st Century High School ASSETs program in a manner that clearly states our goals with information posted on our website and announced through local news resources. We invite comments and partnerships as we work to improve the services offered to our students through quality expanded learning programs.

This announcement serves as public notice of our intent to apply.

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